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Therapy place with first appointment within seven days!

Experts in the field of psychology & psychotherapy

Experts in the field of psychiatry

Experts found for you

  • Gerald Slama

    Gerald Slama

    Lammgasse 6/4, 1080 Wien
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Our reviews show: quick appointment scheduling for those seeking help! Due to our many years of experience in the psychosocial field, we can arrange appointments with specialists in a targeted manner. See for yourself!

A highly stylized portrait of a person. It is used as a substitute for a real photograph.

Nathalie D

At first I thought that an appointment would only be available in three months. But with the help of FragMichi I was able to get an appointment for a psychological assessment within a week!
A highly stylized portrait of a person. It is used as a substitute for a real photograph.

Martin B

I quickly got an appointment with a therapist. I was unsure at first - but I am very happy with my choice.
A highly stylized portrait of a person. It is used as a substitute for a real photograph.

Maria M

Anxiety disorder
I sought medical advice and now finally understand the negative thoughts better. My fears were probably also a reason for my social withdrawal in recent years. If I need support again in the future, I won't wait so long again.

Frequently asked questions & answers


Ein psychische Krise kann dazu führen, dass es einem immer schlechter geht und man zunehmend die Hoffnung verliert. In einer Notfallsituation raten wir, umgehend einen psychosozialen Notdienst oder eine Notrufnummer kontaktieren!

Dein Leben oder das einer anderen Person befindet sich in Gefahr? Kontaktiere direkt die Rettung unter 144 oder die Polizei unter 133.

Schnelle Hilfe gibt es auch gebührenfrei 24 Stunden am Tag bei der Telefonseelsorge der Notrufnummer 142 oder im Sofortchat auf

Für Kinder- und Jugendliche empfehlen wir die Beratung von Rat auf Draht via der Notrufnummer 147, welche rund um die Uhr und anonym erreichbar ist.

Unterstützung in Krisen und bei Gewalterfahrungen bieten die Frauenhelpline unter 0800 222 555 sowie der Männernotruf unter 0800 246 247.


We want to constantly improve and expand the network of practicing psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists. You are welcome to contact us if you are interested in offering your free appointments via FragMichi:

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